Come on let’s celebrate Electronics…!!!

From the time of Adam and eve, humans had had an inquiring mind and result is the world in which we live.

Every time when a "why" or "how" or "what" question had been raised, it leads to invention or discovery of something new. Thanks to first citizens who helped us to reach this status of technological advancements.

After getting a stunning response from Techiestuffs blog readers over a couple of Articles based on Arduino, One day, Vivek asked me why do not we initiate a new blog on Electronics ???

So, that is what this blog is going to be about. An exclusive blog dedicated for Electronics !!!

This idea was not our idea but it was yours. You helped us to be inquiring and the same phrase "why do not we" made create this page. So, this place is all going to be yours and absolutely by you.

You are free to share anything and everything related to Arduino and its programming, give and take tips, put on new project ideas, Get your projects to thousands of enthusiastic readers and let's propagate the ideology and philosophy behind open source hardware.

Make your infinite thoughts flow and fill this blog with infallible texts.

Note from Vivek:

"Electronics", the word which fascinated me over the years and which I hope will continue to fascinate me the years to come, In fact my first blog post was about Electronics and I get into the world of blogging through Electronics. But Lately I devoted most of my time to learn about computer technologies and programming languages, which kept me away from electronics, So thought Now is the perfect time to dedicate some time to blog about electronics.

My primary intention of starting this blog is to provide unique and valuable resources related to open source hardware like Arduino and other popular proprietary learning boards like Raspberry pi and Beagle board, but that's not the end. Here you will also get to read about ever changing field Electronics on different verticals and articles to enrich your basics of electronics.

To further enhance your experience with this blog I decided to arrange various Giveaways regularly, So get ready to receive our Gifts.

You can instantly get to know about various offers and articles published by subscribing our newsletter.

I thank my friends Anand and Vinod who helped me to launch this blog.

Note from Anand:

The miniaturisation of size and maximisation of the application has made me accustomed to Electronics. Imagine what all a small chip can do ... this captivates me and forces me to go in further depth and keep on exploring.

Electronics is ruling the present world and my instinct says it will dominate in upcoming future also. I have devoted some time to get close to the Electronics and learn something and now it time that I go full fledged. I usually write blog articles for and share whatever I learn.

In the process, I came to know about the Arduino board and started using it. This open hardware board is uniquely designed with vast applications. With a few programming skills, you can do whatever you wish. I am going to share the projects and experiments that I did with this board, thanks to my friend Vivek for initiating such a blog and providing me with an opportunity to share the stuff.

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"Electronics Everywhere"

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