Welcome Arduino Due: The Most powerful Arduino Board

Now Arduino got more powerful and memory ... with the release of Arduino Due, Arduino community proved its active contribution to open source community.


Let's have look at our newborn Arduino Due

How it Differs from Other Arduino boards?

Arduino Due is the first ever Arduino board which comes with powerful 32 bit Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontroller, Unlike its predecessors which all made up of AVR Microcontrollers.

The Memory has been considerably Increased from the previous boards, It comes with 96 KBytes of SRAM and 512 Kb of Flash Memory ROM.If you compare it with Arduino Uno it has 16 times increased ROM Memory and 32 times the increased RAM.

Clock Speed has been Increased to 84 Mhz which is the fastest clock of all the Arduino boards.

Unlike other boards Operating voltage of Due is only 3.3 volt, If you prefer to give 5v or higher voltage to I / O pins, than chances there to burn your new Arduino Due.

In Arduino Due, there are two USB ports are provided, One is native USB port for providing power and other for Programming, It is called Programming port.Though you can program it with both the ports it is highly recommended that you program using Programming port , due to some slight changes in the way sketch is uploaded to the microcontroller.For more details read the official documentation here.


Arduino Due ships with USB over current protection system, which is made up of resettable poly fuse that protects Due from higher current flow through the USB port.The threshold current is 500mA above which fuse will get a break.

Pins ... Pins ... Lot of Pins

Well, really Arduino Due comes with a lot of pins which really makes easy build complex projects. Let's see about some Pin configurations.

54 Digital Pins - Digital I / O pins from o to 53

Really, It is a huge number, 54 digital pins can use as both input and output which also has internal pull-up resistor of 100 ohms, by default it is disconnected.Al pins operate at the voltage of 3.3V and provide a current of 3mA or 15mA.

12 Analog Input Pins - A0 - A11

Each Analogue pin comes with 12 bits of resolution, which is a range of 0-4095.By default, the resolution is set to 10bits and you can change this using Arduino functions.

8 Serial Pins: Due comes with 4 pairs of serial pins

Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX)
Serial 1: 19 (RX) and 18 (TX)
Serial 2: 17 (RX) and 16 (TX)
Serial 3: 15 (RX) and 14 (TX)
PWM Pins: pin 2 to 13 - You can use Digital pin 2 to 13 as PWM pins

Inbuilt LED is attached to pin13.Since pin 13 is also a PWM pin, It is possible to dim the LED.

New IDE, Arduino 1.5

The older Arduino versions can not be used to program Arduino Due, due to the changes in Microprocessor.You can download new Arduino 1.5 here.

As we know Arduino is an open source platform, So they have also released the schematics of Arduino Due, Here are some download links

EAGLE files: arduino-Due-reference-design.zip
Schematic: arduino-Due-schematic.pdf
Pin Mapping: SAM3X Pin Mapping page

Visit the Official page of Arduino Due to learning about other Hardware Details and here is an Official blog post about the release of Arduino Due.

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